Wednesday 24 December 2008


I've managed to get my blog candy together at last. This is by way of a celebration for being chosen as DT member for the Basic Grey Challenge Blog, so naturally quite a bit of the candy is Basic Grey.
To be in with a chance - leave a comment on this post and a link on your blog.

The candy consists of:
Two Basic Grey Pads - Granola and Sugared
One Sugared element sticker sheet
A tub of pink co-ordinating flowers
Approx. 1 metre of pink spotted, cerise and wide chocolate brown ribbon
Some small spacers and a packet of silver mini brads to fit spacers
Some Made with love heart charms
A Whiff of Joy stamp - Lizzie with Muff

I shall leave the draw open until midnight 23rd Dec. and post the winner on 24th. That will be an extra Christmas present for someone, although obviously whoever wins won't receive for Christmas (Lol).


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de said...

Hi Heather! You know I love leaving you comments! The blog candy just sweetens the deal! Congrats on making the DT!

Dawn said...

Aww Rica I was so pleased to hear you made the DT!
Fabby candy my friend!


Jilli said...

Congratulations on making the DT, well done and what gorgeous candy. I've linked you on my blog which can be found on the sidebar here.

Thanks for the chance to win

Mary said...

Great blog candy

Kirsten...x said...

Well done and fab blog candy...x

Chrissie said...

What beautiful candy!
Well this decides it I am DEFINITELY addicted to your blog now Rica.
I've added your link to my Blog candy sidebar.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Gorgeous candy. Thanks for a chance to win and congratulations on been chosen for a DT member. I put the link in my blog candy alerts.
Hugs Vanja

Chris said...

WOW, fabby candy Heather and for such a great reason! I won't enter the draw it wouldn't seem right but I'll put a link to it on my blog. This is going to be such a yummy Christmas present for someone. Chris x

Cassie said...

Hi, I found you over on Dawn's blog. Nice candy! Also, I am in Lu-u-uv with your star card down below here! It is soooo beautiful!

Joey said...

Gorgeous Candy Rica,dont you just love those basic grey products! congrats again to you!. Shall spread the word on my sidebar. joey xxx

Tracey said...

Congratulations on the DT gig!!!

Thanks for the chance at this yummy candy! I have linked you on my blog sidebar.

Emma (metalicbutterfly) said...

Congrats on the DT! your cards are fab your place is well deserved i have linked your candy to my blog........congrats again!!!

Emma xxx

Diane.W. said...

Congratulations on the BG DT!!!
Your candy is gorgeous,off to pop a link on my blog :o)x

ikki said...

Hi, My you know how to celebrate - great candy! Since I'm now addicted to BG - I've got my fingers crossed (might be difficult using my scissors, but I take the risk) love ikki

Cassie said...

I posted about your giveaway on my blog.

Annie said...

oooooooooooooooooh what lovely lovely blog candy and what a great way to celebrate getting on the team?
I'll put a link on my blog (although I hope nobody spots it - lol - I want to win!).

Ann xxx

jude said...

Wow congratulations on making the team.Your blog candy is fab thanks for giving us the chance to win.

Leanne said...

Congratulations on making the DT - must be a wonderful feeling!

Your blog candy is fab!! Have added you to my blog!


Lin said...

Congrats on the DT!!
Great candy!! ~Lin

Julie said...

This blog candy looks fab. I love your cards, especially the one with the little girl on.

Here's my link inspiration


Bunny B said...

Congrats on the DT! WOohoO! :)
I've linked you :

Happy Holidays!
bunnybx at gmail . com


I am so excited for you, and wow thanks for the chance to win some stash!!! all I can say is
"ENJOY YOURSELF" and we look forward to seeing your WOW creations
heres the link said...

Hi Rica.
congrats on making the DT!
Thank's for the chance to win this fantastic candy!

I've add your candy on my blog,
bye elisabetta

Natalija said...

Congratulations on making DT!!!
Your blog candy is gorgeous, off to pop a link on my blog :)

Lorraine A said...

Hi , What lovely blog candy, hope i win ha ha :-)
I ve posted a link on my blog

Unknown said...

Congratulations on making DT member.
Your blog is fab!
I'm going to link you on my blog now ;)

Tasha said...

Congratulations on making the DT, i think you make beautiful cards i have just had a nose and your cards are extremely stunning
Tasha xx

K said...

Congratulations on the DT acceptance! I'd love to win your candy, because of the stamp and because of the papers :D I blogged it here
Bye, Kitty

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for being a DT member of Basis Grey. Well done!!
And what a great candy. I love to win it.
I wish you a merry X-mas and keep going on with your great blog!

jasminduft said...

I found you over on Dawn's blog and I'd love to win your candy giveaway.
Merry Christmas and congratulations for becoming a DT member of Basis Grey!

Sandra said...

Congrats on your new DT post,so well deserved...and what gorgeous candy up for grabs,two of my favourite BG paper pads,i so love BG.
I've posted a link on my Blog,but really i'd much rather keep it a secret...thanks for the chance of winning it,
Take care Rica,and have a lovely Christmas
Sandra x

Sena said...

Congratulations on the DT!! I have linked you at
Thank you for the chance!

May G said...

Thanks for the chance to enter your blog candy...

May G said...

Congratulations!!! and thanks for the blog candy...

А@A said...

Congratulations!!!Thanks for the chance to win this candy! I have linked you on my blog.
Happy Holidays

Maria Matter said...

Congratulation on being on the DT for Basic Grey and thanks for celebrating with us!!!
I gave you a shout out on my blog and on my candy blogroll...
Rica has yummy candy!
Blessings, Maria

А@A said...

Thank you for the blog candy!
I've posted your link on my blog

Stitchinwitch said...

Congratulations on making the DT. I've linked to you in my blog and thanks for the chance at such yummy candy

Donnas Den said...

This looks great, Rica. I've put a link on my blog.

Happy Crafter said...

Congratulations Rica and thanks for offering such fab candy i am off to link right now :)
Val xxx

Pauline said...

It looks great, Rica :o)
I have so much stuff that I might follow your example :o)

Ayelet {Jenny} said...

Congrats on making it to the DT!
I came here folowing alink from ikki` blog!
I love BG!

Lynsey said...

Wow what great blog candy Rica, congratulations on your DT place.
I will leave a link on my side bar for you. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hugs Lynsey :)

Julie said...

Congratulations on being selected as a DT for Basic Grey and thank you for such fab blog candy.


Anonymous said...

Wow! My congratulations on your making the DT!
I've linked on top my sidebar about your blog candy!

Anonymous said...

wow this is most defenatly the sweetest blog candy there is!!!
ive added it to my side bar, well give a sec and it will be on there!
congrats on making the basic grey DT
love emma

Sam said...

Am so pleased for you making DT, very well deserved. Fantastic candy, am off to add link to my blog.
Hope you had a great day today.
Sam x

paru's_circle said...

thanks for the chance..posting your giveaway on my blog!

camcraft said...

Well done on the DT. You are a very talented lady. Much deserved. Very kind of you to offer such pretty candy. Don't have a blog I can link back too, so hopefully my blog ID will be sufficent. I came here via a recommendation from Ann's craft ideas :-)

ribenaruby said...

Congratulations on your DT post! What a brilliant piece of news to round off the year.Post is up on the right side bar,thanks for the opportunity to win.

Laura (Faerielore) said...

Heather this blog candy is scrummy !!!!! thank you for the chance of winning im off to put a link on my blog now. good luck everyone xxxx

Dawn Wheeler said...

Huge congrats on making the DT thats brilliant ,
your cards are fabulous ,
hugs Dawnxxxx
thanks for the chance to win your candy ,good luck every one xx

Debsydoo said...

Such lovely candy. I would love to be included in the draw. I have added a link to my site.

hugs Debs x

Emma said...

Hi Heather, congrats on your DT place on BG challenges. I'm sure you will love it. Great candy too. Take care. xx

Trinka said...

Congrats on making the design so deserve it. Your work is always delightful to look at~

Christy said...

I found you through the Cuttlebug Challenges blog. I am going to go check out some of your posts now...but wanted to say HI first!! =)

Moni said...

Congrats on making the DT! Beautiful candy, i linked you on my blog! Hugs, Moni

Mamawheelie said...

Ooh, the blog candy is beautiful and so is your blog! Delightful background. I'm newly referred, but I can't wait to see all the things you post! :D

Maggie Lamarre said...

Thank you so much for participating in the challenge. I luv your card.
Thank you,

Eva said...

Congrats on making the DT!!! How awesome is that!!! And what a chance to win this awesome blog candy!!! Enjoy your DT position!

Anonymous said...

I have linked you on the right side of Fabi's kleine Bastelecke :)! I hope that's okay.

What a nice candy <3.


myself said...

Absolutely fantastic! Love your blog, and love BG! Cute ideas you have here...

myself said...

Love your blog, thanks for the info and cute ideas. Love BG, too!

Lastel said...

Linked you at the top of my sidebar under The Candy Dish ! Fabulous candy , thanks for a chane to win !

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

What great goodies!!! I'd love to win off to check out your blog :-)
give_me_a_latte at yahoo

Kama said...

I love scrapbooking stuff!

Stacy said...



Unknown said...

Congrats on the DT! Awesome blog candy.

click on my name to go to my blog (random thoughts with chris)

Tanja said...

Woooow, great candy! Thanks for the change to win this!

Hugs Tanja

Sorina said...

Congratulation on the DT.
Waw! thank you for the blog candy!

-Agnes- said...

Lovely blog candy! I have linked you to this post:

Pami said...


Pami said...



Wiccababe said...

congratulations on the DT job - well done.
have linked you on my blog.
beautiful candy x

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...


I have you linked here.

=D melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Sarah Speaks- Savvy SAHM Reviews & Giveaways said...

Great blog candy! Thanks for an awesome giveaway! Posting on for my friday freebie post

Megan said...

So fun! I would love to win!

theneon said...

Congratulations on your DT assignment! What great news. Well, I don't normally "sign up" for blog candy -- but I can't resist this chance as I have nor have knowledge of any of the great things you are offering. Best regards, Martha

Cathy said...

Hi Heather,
I love this candy, I need this candy!!
Have a great Christmas and thank you for the card and images.

Oh and Ellie says she needs it too!!

Sharon Traynor Designs said...

Beautiful candy Heather. I've passed the word around on my blog here
I'll be back tomorrow or Saturday to leave some overdue comments.

Sam said...

congratulations on making the DT!! What a lovely giveaway - I have mentioned you on my blog and am really hoping to win!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I love the blog candy. It would come in handy for scrapbooking and card making. Thanks so much for the chance.

Julie Temple said...

Congratulations on making the DT!! Thanks for the chance at your great candy! I have linked you on my sidebar!

Anonymous said...

Very cool.
I'd love some candy please?

Stacy Morgan said...

Whohoo. Congrats on the DT! Great blog candytoo, hope I win..

Mina said...

wow how fantastic to be chosen to be a DT member...thanks for the chance of the generous blog candy xxx

Cari K. said...

Love the blog and your giveaway

charlies_secret_angel2006 at yahoo dot com

Nancy said...

Hi Rica. This is my first trip to your blog and I just love your choice of blog candy. I have added a link to your blog on mine, link here:
I love the lines of Basic Grey you have chosen to offer in your blog candy and will definitely keep my fingers crossed! Nancy

Carolyn Sharkas said...

Congratulation on your gig with the design team, I know you will be asset to the team.

thanks for sharing

ceashark at aol dot com

carolyn s

*Meg Larsen* said...

This is great! Thanks!

Gaitha said...

Count me in:)

Linanna DESIGNS said...

Rica this is such beautiful blog candy, please enter me into it. I am linking you now. Hugs Linda x

Heather "Hev" said...

Congrtulations on your DT-ership (is that a new word :grin: )

Have a wonderful day

Will list you in my candy store tomorrow I promise


Sarah Speaks- Savvy SAHM Reviews & Giveaways said...

I blogged about this at

Lindsay & Nick said...

Congrats on your acceptance! I love your blog! It's so lovely!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your blog. So much to many places to visit. I'm just getting started so candy before or after Christmas would be great. I love how you have the flower and butterfly with you sig. how did you do that?

Tracey said...

Congratulations on the Basic Grey DT & thanks for the chance to win some fab candy :o)

I've linked you to my blog (on the right hand side).


sheffsue said...

Congratulations on your DT place!
Thank you for the chance to win .

Sue x

Unknown said...

Congrats and great candy!!!Greetings from Slovakia

gmistudio said...

hi, this is a lovely blog candy, who do not need more candies !!!!

gmistudio said...

hi, i blogged about your blog candy at

gmistudio said...

hi everybody:
congrat !!
i blogged about your candy

Carolyn Bounds said...

You definitely deserve to be on this DT!!! Your work is always so inspiring and beautiful!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I think this is just the beginning of many DTs you will be a part of:o)

Your candy is scrumptious!!! I wish everyone luck, but oh how I would love to win. Hahaha!! Thank you for giving me this opportunity!!


TAC Angel Christina said...

Basic Grey is my all-time favorite paper! Congrats on being chosen for the DT! I have also linked this post to my blog:

Daisy Chain said...

Congrats on making the DT, What great candy you have. I'm off to post a link on my blog.

Hugs Debbie xx

Kim Costello said...

Well thought I would have a go and enter your yummy candy, Great that you're on the BG dt, so congrats and looking forward to creating together!
HuGs Kim x

Tiff said...

LOVE your new blog! I need one like this!? It's so organized and I heart your blog candy! Basic Grey anything is good in my book!

Bev said...

Congratulations on becoming a DT.
wot beautiful candy. merry christmas. posting link on my blog now. xxx

Jackie said...

Found you through Dawn, and so glad I did.. firstly I SO want that stamp lol... (lucky enough to have got some images in a stamp swop), so my fingers and toes are crossed lol., (its on my wish list) . and the candy is brill, but what a fabby blog Ive found too... Will be back . HERE is my blog

Shell said...

hiya rica, this is fab candy you are giving away. congrats on becoming a dt member. will link you on my blog.
thanks for the chance to win.
shell x

Paula said...

WOW what great blog candy thankyou so much for the chance to win and your blog is fantastic. Just about to link you on my blog now thanks again.
Paula xxx

Jami said...

Wow...just found your blog and what an amazing blog it is!!! Big congrats on the DT!! I'll post a link to your blog today, and be back again!!
hugs, Jami

Linda Carson said...

WOW! Congrats on making the dt to Basic Grey Challenge Blog! That's too exciting!

Kim said...

Rica...CONGRATS on being chosen to be part of the DT for the Basic Grey blog! That is super exciting! And what fantastic candy you are giving away! I would love to win that...I am a huge Basic Grey fan!!! I can't wait til the end of this week...I am done w/ classes and then can play along with your challenges! Right now I am in the mist of studying for finals! You can see my link to your candy here!
Hugs~ Kim

Lindsay Spencer said...

I found your blog through Jami B. And she was right, it's wonderful. Congrats on the Basic Grey DT. That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance


Katie Cotton said...

how fabulous! I just found your blog and i love it! I'm now a follower! I've also listed your candy in my blog candy roll on my sidebar. Check out Paper Craft Planet too - i have a group there called blog candy eaters. If you're not a member i can list the blog candy there for you. :)

Tosha Leyendekker said...

Congrats on the DT! How cool!! And what a fabulous bunch of candy you're offering too!! I found your blog via Jami, and am glad I did!! You're very talented!!

Shirley said...

Love your site, and your candy. Thanks so much for sharing your work.

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! What's a candy! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy". Thanks for a chance to win!


Cheri said...

How exciting - and congratulations! I've linked you in my CandyBar at The Paper Freak.

Nana Nassar said...

hey girl!! Congrats for being chosen as Dt...awesome...u deserved was trully beautiful...hope i can win even living so far!!! God bless u and your family!!!

Robin Brown aka Mrs Pup in NY said...

Hi, I read about your blog candy on another Blog and I am in love with your blog. It is wonderful. You have done a great job. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies, I have never won any candy yet but I know tat I never will if I never try, lol. I may get surprised someday. I love that Lizzie stamp. Your Sephia card of her is magnificent. Holiday Hugs

Selma said...

I just found your blog today and enjoyed reading it. Congratulations on your new dt position. I love Basic Gray and look forwarding to reading your blog. Thanks for a chance to win.

Debby said...

Congrats Rica on your DT spot. Well deserved.

iReneM said...

This is my first visit to your blog and certainly won't be the last :-)
Wonderful blog candy to celebrate with, congratulations!
I just love Basic Grey

Sue said...

Congratulations on making it on the DT.
Great candy offer, will link it to my blog. Good luck all. sue.x

maiahs_momma said...

Love your blog, thank you so much for this chance to win some blog candy :)!


maiahs_momma said...

Wow, love your blog and thank you so much for this chance to win some goodies :)!


Creatively Lisa said...

Wow! I love this Basic Grey stuff. Congrats on your DT assignment. That is great.

Anonymous said...

Oh how exciting:o) Fingers crossed

Liz said...

Hi Rica, Congrats on making the DT. I love Basic Grey! Thanks for the chance. Hugs, Liz :o)

IrishMama said...

congrats on the DT

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Congratulations on making the DT. I told about your candy on my BLOG.
x Natasha x

Laurie said...

Thanks for the wonderful blog candy offering. Basic Grey is my favorite choice in papers right now. I can't get enough of them!

Hope said...

Congrats and thanks for offering these lovely items! Posting a link on my blog very soon!

Ina Good said...

Thankyou for the opportunity to win some fantastic blog candy!it is a celebration in itself as you allow us to celebrate with you your design team appointment!How thrilling is that! Congrats! More celebration for the holidays and many blessings and happiness for this holiday season with Merry christmas and happy new years ahead! Hugs,Ina

Lena Katrine said...

I've made a pera-link on the right topside of my blog, about your candy!
Beautiful candy by the way!

Becky said...

Yummy candy!! Thanks for the chance!

Gabriella said...

Who doesn´t LOVE Basic Grey??.. And I would like to win this beautiful candy!!

Lisa said...

Hi Rica, Thanks so much for the chance to win this gorgeous candy. Congratulations on the Basic Grey DT. Look forward to seeing your DT creations in 2009. x

Lainy's Little Blog said...

Congratulations on being selected for the Basic Grey DT. Much deserved by looking at the creations on your blog. I shall definitely be back to visit you again! Hugs, Lainy xx

Tanc said...

Congratulations on you being chosen as DT member. Thank you for the chance to win a candy.

Wellnifty said...

Congratulations, and thanks for the great candy offer, I've made a link on my sidebar showing your candy.

Chris x

gina g said...

wow what fab candy would love to win it.Will link to my side bar. gina xx

Anonymous said...

What lovely blog candy. I'm so very happy for you that you made the DT and happy for us with the way you chose to celebrate it '-)

Eija said...

Congrats on making the DT!
It's no wonder, because your cards are so lovely :)

Rosette said...

Congratsa on being chosen! Basic Grey has such lovely papers and stash! I'd LOOOve to win :) Thanks for this awesome chance!!

Valarie (vampme3) said...

Wow! What yummy candy!!! Congratulations on your Basic Gray assignment!! Posting your candy on my blog:

Anonymous said...

wow, such a nice candy, would love to win that^^

link is on my blog!

Donna said...

Love the card you made using the WOJ stamp, love the color brown, makes the image really stand out. Would love to win that stamp. Great blog candy you're giving away. I have made a link on my blog. Thanks

~Emma~ said...

Hi Rica. I've done guest DT for BG so well done on your DT spot! Off to link your lovely blog now. Take care Emma.x

~Emma~ said...

Hi Rica. I've done guest DT for BG so well done on your DT spot! Off to link your lovely blog now. Take care Emma.x

Anonymous said...

congratulations on you dt position, ive linked you all up and commented on my blog, good luck for the future, your blog is amazing hunni xxx

maddy hill said...

oh oh oh oh oh oh love basic grey , and i dont own a whiff of joy stamp but i love them too xxxxxxxx
Well done on your DT !!! tis exciting !

love maddy and calvin mouse xxxxx

Sunday Girl said...

Thank you for the chance to win such wonderful candy. I love basic grey!

Maria said...

Great Candy!! Grettings from Argentina, thanks for this chance to win,specialy becouse we don't have much of this stuff here.
Good luck and Happy Holidays!!!
I left a link on my blog

Lynne said...

Wow, what wonderful blog candy, looks delicious. Great news about making the DT. Lynne

Yesenia ( yesy) said...

congratulation!! rica....

Andrea said...

Hi Rica, congratulations.
Great candy, thanks for the chance to win. I post it on my blog.
Hugs, Andrea

Sharon House said...

Lovely blog candy! Merry Christmas from Sharon at

Michele Roos said...

Congratulations on becoming a DT member for basic grey. Gorgeous candy up for grabs. Have added a link on my sidebar. Michele x

Susie said...

Congrats for being chosen as DT member for the Basic Grey Challenge Blog, and thanks for a chance to win wonderful blog candy....

Linked you to my blog :)

Lauretta See said...

Congrats for the DT ;) i would just love your candy ;)) mmmmmm!! hehehe Love your blog also!! Keep it up!

Sarah said...

well done on making the DT! i have linked to your candy on my blog side bar.

Sarah x

Lauretta See said...

Aint sure my message was registered or not. If it was i am greatly sorry for the trouble.. I love your blog and the candy MMMMMMMMMMM!! would love that also.. i have linked your blog on mine. Thank you.. have a nice holiday!


Kristin said...

Many congratulations! I enjoy visiting your blog and seeing your creations! Beautiful blog candy you are offering...I am linking you now.... Kristin

ILuvBNaMom said...

What fabulous blog candy! Congratulations on making the DT and you have a great blog. I've posted a link on my blog. Thanks!

Lorraine A said...

Hi Rica. I thought I had done this ages ago! I posted a link to you on my blog and forgot to leave a comment here, good job I came to check, you never know , I might win this fab candy :-)
Merry hristmas

Pink Dandelion said...

Many congratulations on the DT and thanks for this opportunity to win this fab candy. Debs x

Alice said...

I love Basic Grey!!! Thanks for a chance to win!!! I link your blog candy to my blog, on my blog candy sidebar!

Fabi Kojima said...

Hi Congrats for be part of the DT of BG and thanks for the chance i hava a link in my post
From Mexico

Judy Rozema said...

Congratulations on your DT appointment!! What a neat opportunity! Great blog candy too!


Oh My Goodness I Love Love Love This Candy . I am so willing to get diabetes from this Candy;) ;) How sweet are you .

JenMarie said...

What an awesome giveaway!!
Congrats to YOU!! :)
Gotcha linked:

Jezz79 said...

Hi there,georgous candy!!!Love Basic Grey. I put a link on my blog./Jessica

Liza said...

Congrats on making the DT. Great candy, I'm off to link now. Thanks for the chance to win.

Liza x

BojaMoja said...

Rica, fab blog!! I love it :)

And the candy too :)))))

Anonymous said...

What a great bunch of goodies , Rica ! I'm enjoying your blog . Thanks for the opportunity to win .

Jacilynn said...

great Candy! Congrats to you. I've linked your Candy

Scrapy33 said...

Congratulations and thanks a lot for this Blog Cando, sounds awesome.

Carolynscrapbook said...

I love those candy blog so much fun and I think what we are offering this incredible gift is precious, thanks for sharing it and I leave the post in my blog for more people to write nice and know your blog and your beautiful work.

Greetings from Carolyn

Unknown said...

Muchas felicidades y gracias por este blog candy!!! me alegra haber descubierto tu blog...

Gill said...

Congrats on making the DT, your candy is awesome, thanks for a chance to win
hugs Gill x

Katarina said...

Congrats on making the team. I wanted to apply, but got there too late.
Since we celebrate Christmas in Sweden on the 24:th, I'm hoping to win this as an extra Christmas gift.

I've written about your candy and I hope you will join mine too.


Nikche said...

Congratulations!!!Thanks for the chance to win this candy! I have linked you on my blog.

Anonymous said...

what a great chance to win!
thanks for this lovely candy, would love to be the one, winning it!
Greetings from Germany to Uk, have a nice xmas!

Cheri said...

Congratulations! After seeing what you've done on your blog, I'm sure we're in for a big treat! I'm linking you in my CandyBar at The Paper Freak.

Lauren said...

Fantastic Candy! I have added a link to my sidebar. Off for a look around.

Cazzy said...

I would love to be entered for this wonderful blog candy, I love that stamp and the BG stash.
I will put a link on my blog as soon as I can, which will be later as the controls are disabled at work so I can't do it now.

Anne said...

Wow, gorgeous candy and thanks for the chance to take part. x

Diane said...

Congrats!!! Anotehr pretty blog I just discovered!! I have you linked at Thanks for the chance!

flatis stempelwelt said...

Congratulations to the DT, I think you make beautiful cards

Your candy is lovely, I will link it in my sidebar.
Hugs, Sonja xx

Anonymous said...

Congrats on making the DT. Your cards are beautiful, thanks for the chance at some blog candy. Krista P

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the DT. Well done. You work is all stunning. Thanks very much for the chance of winning your FAB candy. I will put it on my sidebar and add you to my friends list. Hope thats ok.
erin xxx

Debbie said...

Congratulations on your DT place Heather and thanks for the opportunity to win such yummy candy!
I have added a link in my candy jar. Debbie x

Unknown said...

Congrats on making the Basic Gray DT, and thanks for the wonderful blog. Fingers crossed that I will win the yummy candy!

You can find your link here:

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Congratulation Rica, what a wonderful Price. Thanks for the chance to win. I link you on my Blog.....


Karenladd said...

Congratulations on your Design Team pick! Your blog design is as beautiful as your cards!! Thanks for the chance to win this blog candy...fabulous prize!

Melissa said...

What lovely candy! Congrats on your DT spot - you deserve it!
I've added you to the Candy Jar on my blog.

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